Quite a few cats have been re homed since I was last there and Honey is heading off soon as is Boris and Tinkerbell. The kittens have continued to grow in size and confidence and spent most the afternoon playing and chasing each other in the outside run. The most amazing thing was the improvement in Clive, (the semi feral cat who no-one could touch as he was so aggressive) he was out of his pen and socialising with the other cats. Then he came up to me and nudged me for some fuss and let me stroke and groom him, it was like a totally different cat!
Lots of new beautiful cats too; a lovely Siamese, an old tatty black cat, a pair who look just like Boris and Tink, a beautiful blue tinted cat with a tabby friend. Most of which I am sure will be re homed in a heart beat as they are all really lovely and friendly.
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